Student Life

Clubs & Activities

Student Life

Clubs & Activities

At Aquinas, 我们相信教育应该超越课堂, thus students are given the opportunity to utilize their talents and exercise their leadership abilities in real-life situations. 培养终身领袖 有85%的学生参加了阿奎那的活动计划,其主题是什么. 有了广泛的课外俱乐部和活动,每个人都有真正的东西.

6th Grade Clubs & Activities


  • 这是我们提供的

    我们6年级的学生和7 -12年级的学生一样积极参与. In 2015-2016, we established clubs and programs based upon the interests of our 6th grade students. 一些俱乐部包括:

    • Lego Robotics
    • Student Council
    • Intramurals
    • Video Game Club
    • Art Club
    • 爱尔兰小举重俱乐部
    • 中学读书会
    • E-Sports

Academic Clubs


  • DECA

    DECA准备新兴的领导者和企业家在市场营销的职业生涯, finance, hospitality, 以及全球高中和大学的管理. 
    加强对大学和职业生涯的准备, DECA促进了与课堂教学相结合的课外项目, 商业背景下的应用学习, 与企业和社区的连接, and competition.  目前在高中区3500所学校有19万名会员.

  • 学术挑战赛

    Grades 6-8

    An academic competition in which schools compete following a quiz-bowl format where students must ring in and be recognized before answering.  问题涵盖了广泛的主题,包括:艺术, biology, chemistry, current events, geography, history, literature, music, political science, pop culture, 宗教和体育.
  • Le Cercle Français

    这个俱乐部对6-12年级的法语学生开放, 你以前学过法语吗, 或法语流利的国际学生.

    在法国圈, 学生们聚在一起学习法国的文化和习俗, 并计划特别的筹款活动,如每年一度的法兰西之夜(Soiree francaise). 法语俱乐部的会员将观看法语音乐录影带, 法国电影的片段, 在两个月的会议上阅读法国文化和品尝各种法国食物! 
    每隔一个星期三下午3点至4点举行会议.m. in room 200.
  • LEGO Robotics

  • Masterminds

    Grades 9-12

    Masterminds is an academic competition in which schools compete in 12 match-play rounds per season.  Each match follows a quiz-bowl format where students must ring in and be recognized before answering.  问题涵盖了广泛的主题,包括:艺术, biology, chemistry, current events, geography, history, literature, music, political science, pop culture, 宗教和体育.

  • Mathletes

    Grades 8-12

    一个社交但竞争激烈的联赛,每年有六场比赛, once in each month, 从九月持续到二月. 学生们与其他学校的学生竞争,回答具有挑战性的数学问题. 

    学生可以在任何时间加入,并可以参加尽可能多的会议,因为他们喜欢. Those who attend 4 out of 6 meets may participate in the Monroe County Math League competition in March. 参加数学联赛的学生可获得班级积分(具体请咨询数学老师).

  • 全国荣誉学会

    Grades 9-12 

    Started in 2006, 国家荣誉协会鼓励和奖励奖学金, renders service, 促进领导和发展成员的性格.  Eligible students must attain a cumulative weighted GPA of 92 by the end of their sophomore year.  They must maintain this GPA for the remainder of their membership in the 全国荣誉学会. 学生还必须表现出领导才能, 在他们的纪律记录中显示出特殊的性格, 并进行了大量的社区服务. The National Honors Society at Aquinas provides a peer tutoring service available to all students throughout the year.

  • St. Thomas Club & St. Basil's Club

    Grades 7-12 

    St. Thomas Club is for students in grades 9-12 who earn academic averages of 95-100 on their quarterly report cards.  St. Basil's Club is for students in grades 7-8 who earn academic averages of 95-100 on their quarterly report cards.  Students will be notified following the grading period and will be invited to a celebratory breakfast.  

Fine & Performing Arts


  • AQ Dance

    Grades 7-12

    阿奎那舞蹈课程提供四个级别的舞蹈作为一个美术序列. This program is offered during the school day and focuses on historical and contemporary dance themes through technique classes, master classes, films, choreography, and performance. 学生每年须参加两场舞蹈演出.

  • AQ Dance Company

    Middle School

    Middle School Dance Company is a choreography and performance class held during the FLEX period at the end of the school day, 并提供给七年级和八年级的学生. 参加这门课程的学生将学习爵士乐的编舞, Hip Hop, Contemporary, 非洲和音乐剧风格, 并将在半年一次的舞蹈会上表演, 校规的总成, 中场篮球表演和慈善音乐会. Students enrolled in Dance Company may also have the opportunity to attend dance competitions and conventions. 参加舞团不需要有舞蹈经验. However, 因为这门课是编舞和表演课, 鼓励学生每周至少参加一次舞蹈公司以外的技术课程.

    Senior High

    Senior High Dance Company is a choreography and performance class that meets every day during the school day. 9 - 12年级的学生都可以参加, 并且可以参加高中四年的考试. 学生们将在半年一次的舞蹈会上表演, 校规的总成, 中场篮球表演和慈善音乐会. 学生也有机会参加舞蹈比赛和大会. 这是一门舞蹈和表演课程, therefore students are required to take at least two hours of technique class per week outside of Dance Company. 11年级和12年级的学生可以选择舞蹈公司来代替体育课.

  • AQ剧院/技术人员

    自学校成立以来,戏剧一直是阿奎那卓越传统的一部分. Over the years, 阿奎那阶段培养了创造力, skill, 和一代又一代学生的信心. 我们的演员和工作人员为包括家长在内的观众表演, grandparents, 甚至曾祖父母也曾在同一个舞台上表演过. 我们现任剧院导演, Megan Barbour, 她自己是第三代校友和前阿奎那演员吗.
    我们每年的戏剧季为我们所有的学生提供表演机会, 无论是初中还是高中. 主舞台季包括三部作品,全部由学生在成人监督下演出. 学生们沉浸在广泛的流派,从当代节目(过去的节目包括 发胶,恐怖小店, and She Kills Monsters)到美国经典(《星际娱乐》《坩埚, and Our Town),到莎士比亚(罗密欧与朱丽叶,仲夏夜之梦, and The Tempest).
    超越主舞台的季节, students further develop their craft through programming such as the annual 24 Hour Play Festival (which offers opportunities for student playwrights and directors as well as actors and technicians), workshops, and field trips. 我们的学生去了纽约, London, 以及加拿大著名的斯特拉特福德艺术节,欣赏表演, tours, and masterclasses.
    In the classroom, 我们的中学生学习讲故事和合作表演的要素, while our high schoolers dive into the world of the theatre through classes like Introduction to Theatre and Introduction to Production, Dramatics, Acting, 和公众演讲.
    Additionally, the Theatre Director and the department itself are active members of the New York State Theatre Education Association (NYSTEA). Our students attend the annual NYSTEA Student Conference in the Catskills where theatre professionals from New York City and the East coast, 还有大学戏剧节目, 在三天的时间里举办各种研讨会.
    阿奎那对戏剧艺术的投入可以从各种各样的制作经验中看出, 课堂教学, 以及为学生提供的课程. 我们希望你以演员的身份加入我们, technician, patron, 或者是让我们这一季成为最棒的一季的观众!


    阿奎那技术剧院项目负责维护, program, 以及所有戏剧作品的施工, concerts, dance concerts, 星际娱乐组织.  It is a completely student run organization; students are in charge of building, designing, 实施技术剧院的各个方面.  我们鼓励所有的理工科学生来参与建设, 在灯光上工作, sound, set, costumes, and props happens.  While most students eventually find an area they would like to specialize in as an upperclassmen, all students are encouraged to work in a variety of crews to learn more about the process as a whole. 
  • AQ电视/早间新闻

    Grades 10-12

    Students run a television show each morning that broadcasts news and announcements to AQ students.

  • Art Club

  • 器乐课程

    Grades 7-12 

    阿奎那为音乐家提供了各种各样的机会和课程, 包括:器乐入门课程, Middle School Band, Concert Band, Jazz Improv, 和摇滚乐的历史.  所有课程都在白天上课,除了爵士即兴表演,它每周在放学后开一次课.

  • Vocal Music

    Grades 7-12

    声乐课程为所有学生提供了一个艺术和音乐的出口.  鼓励所有经验水平和演唱能力的学生参加.  使用纽约州音乐标准, 课程遵循正确的歌唱技巧, music theory, music history, and sight-reading.  Personal confidence is built through solo singing, concert performances and one-on-one music lessons.

Leadership & 社会正义俱乐部


  • AQMS学生会

    Grades 6-8 

    Four 6th graders, four 7th graders, 选出六名八年级学生代表中学并策划活动, events, 组织服务工作.

  • AQMS年鉴委员会

    Grades 7-8

    Students photograph AQMS activities throughout the year and assist with designing the yearbook.

  • Arete

    Grades 9-12


  • Diversity Club

    The main objective of this club is to promote tolerance and understanding among diverse groups within the Aquinas community and the world.
  • SSJ女性领导力项目

    Grades 11-12

    The Sisters of St. Joseph Women’s Leadership Program at Aquinas Institute is a wonderful guided opportunity for young women 体验人aL成长和发展领导技能,这将有助于他们的一生. 今年的项目包括 午餐会议、个人领导力成长计划和服务活动. 该计划由 她是女性领导力项目的负责人, Julie Melton, 他也是阿奎那学院的图书管理员, 以及领导咨询委员会. 在一起的时间里,年轻的女人 learn leadership skills through a variety of topical and relevant discussions, writing experiences, and other activities. 那些完成的 完成两年的课程将获得特殊证书和结业证书 从阿奎那毕业. 许多年轻女士的项目将被纳入她们的Capstone作品集. The Sisters and Aquinas are very proud to offer this special experience to juniors, and seniors. 

  • Student Council

    Grades 9-12

    Student Council, 一个杰出的学生会组织, 让学生在决定学校活动和环境方面有发言权.  It helps promote activities for the entire student body at Aquinas and fosters a positive climate throughout the school.  The focus of Student Council is on developing leadership skills through interaction with students, faculty, 社区和其他阿奎那利益相关者.
    Examples of Student Council Activities: Dodgeball Tournament, Field Day, Planned Dress Down Days.

  • 学生大使

    Grades 6-12

    学生大使协助带领未来的学生参观.  They may also have a shadow for a day so that the prospective students get a chance to experience a day at Aquinas in the grade they will be entering.  学生大使也是我们秋季开放日的重要组成部分, 为未来的学生和他们的家人提供参观. 

Health & Wellness Clubs


  • 铁制三叶草俱乐部

    铁制三叶草俱乐部 is an incentive and rewards-based strength building motivation program for student athletes.  这项奖励计划将奖励达到力量标准的运动员. The ultimate aim is that the opportunity to reach the highest level will encourage student athletes to take their training more seriously - as well as enlighten them on what it takes to become an elite athlete. 该方案是基于相对强度计算1 RPM在4个关键升降机.  Relative strength calculation allows all athletes - male and female - of all body types and levels, 达到4项标准中至少一项的合理能力: 基础,中级,高级和精英.  

    因此,这4项标准是根据运动员的体重设定的, 这些标准不仅是可以达到的, but also serve as a powerful tracking tool of an athlete’s progress as he/she moves through the program. 当他们离开阿奎那的时候, 大多数运动员将达到先进水平. 而更少的人可能会达到精英水平, the journey for athletes trying to attain this level will benefit their health and strengthen our sports programs. 运动员需要在一个级别的4次举重中完成3次,才能获得该级别的资格. 虽然这个项目是为学生运动员设计的, 它是开放给所有学生希望提高他们的健康水平. 
  • Ski Club

    Grades 7-12 


Other Clubs


  • E-Sports

  • Video Game Club

    电子游戏俱乐部对所有6-12年级的学生开放.  我们通常每周见面一到两次,每次几个小时. 
    • 数学天才的竞争

    • NHS在牙买加建房子

    • DECA Competition

    • SSJ女性领导力

    • AQMS学生会

    • AQ Dance

    • AQ剧院- sussical

    • Instrumental Music

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